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Connect Wallet

Just connect your digital wallet


Select Event

You can search for the Hottest Event Pools in our listing


One-Click to Join

Click on 1 of the possible outcomes for any event and you’re ready to join in the fun

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What is Dezinga?

Dezinga is your hottest Market Prediction Web3 Social Gaming site. Providing you with a fun and exciting pool of events to challenge your friends. See if you can beat the Market!

Where do I find the Newest Event Pool?

You can find all our event under the Events tab on the top of the page. All the hottest events will be listed, along with the past events. You can scroll through the list of events or filter by category to find the most exciting market.

When do the events go Live?

Event major social or sporting event will vary depending on the popularity and demands for the Pool to initiate. If you have any request or suggestion for a Local or International event, feel free to click on our “Apply for an Event” section to request a Pool.
*All events must have a reliable oracle or source feed to ensure the validity and transparency of Event Grading.

How can we buy and invest in DEGA Tokens?

Currently DEGA tokens will be available through our Airdrop event(s). Please visit our sites to get the latest update on when & where we officially get listed.

Why choose Dezinga?

Built on the Solana network, Dezinga allows for a true Decentralize Entertainment dApp. The SOL network uses Proof of History (PoH) consensus algorithms, which gives it incredible speed with fairly low transaction cost. This enables DEGA tokens to provide users with a reliable, secure, and fast gaming experience.

How do we play?

Please follow our “How-to-Play” to get a detail guide on how to play and a simple tutorial.

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